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Prompt Engineering Fundamentals for Text and Image

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Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

Common Mistakes and Limitations of ChatGPT

Three Common Mistakes of Bad Prompts

Avoid these three common mistakes:

1 ) Vague or verbose prompts

One of the most frequent mistakes is creating prompts that are either too vague or too verbose. These prompts can confuse ChatGPT and make it difficult to generate a coherent response. It's important to strike a balance between being specific and concise, while also providing enough context for the AI to understand what you're asking.

  • Vague: "Tell me about AI."
  • Verbose: "In this prompt, I would like to request that you provide me with a detailed explanation of the concept of Artificial Intelligence, including its history, current developments, and potential future applications."

2 ) Biased prompts

Another pitfall to watch out for is biased prompts. Bias can creep into your prompts in all kinds of ways, whether it's through the use of loaded language or assumptions about the user's background or beliefs. This can lead to responses that are narrow-minded or leading the responses in one way. Be mindful of your own biases, and try to keep your prompts neutral and inclusive.

  • "Why does the X political party tend to have different approaches to solving economic issues?"
  • "What's the best way to avoid dealing with the incompetence of lazy millennials?"

3 ) Incomplete and poorly formatted prompts

Finally, avoid creating incomplete or poorly formatted prompts. These can cause ChatGPT to misinterpret your intentions or produce low-quality responses.

Always double-check your prompts for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure you provide all the necessary information for the AI to generate a complete and accurate response. By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be well on your way to crafting high-quality prompts that can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT.

  • Incomplete: "What do you think about...?"
  • Poorly formatted: "I have a question about. (No context provided. The prompt is too short and has an improper structure.)

Limitations of ChatGPT

1 ) Hallucination

It’s also important to understand the limitations of ChatGPT.

One significant challenge is the issue of "hallucination," where ChatGPT can sometimes generate responses that sound very convincing but aren’t true! This can happen when the AI generates text that is technically coherent but lacks any meaningful correctness to reality.

2 ) Limited to 2022 Dataset. No live internet data (yet…)

Another important limitation to keep in mind is the fact that ChatGPT is only trained on data up to a certain point in time, which means it's limited to the information that was available at that time.

For example, the current version of ChatGPT was trained on data up to 2022, which means it may not be up-to-date on the latest trends or events.

It's important to keep these limitations in mind when using ChatGPT and to be cautious about relying on it for tasks that require a high level of accuracy or precision. However, despite these limitations, ChatGPT is still an incredibly powerful tool that can be used in various contexts to generate high-quality text and facilitate natural language interactions.


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